Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mobile Addiction

Mobile phones have revolutionized the telecommunication technology in myriad ways and have created huge impact on the people. The computer generation has been surpassed by mobile generation and has created a lot of miracles which were once not even possible in dreams. The computer addiction is now overcome by mobile addiction and it has created an alarm among the entire generation of people.

Mobile phone was first introduced for the purpose of contact. It was found as the alternatives for landline mobiles which were not portable and easy to operate. Mobile phones overcame these problems and they were designed in a way to clear the demerits associated with landlines. So, it was considered to be convenient to operate and convey messages. The mode of working is that the signal from the phone is transmitted to the respective network station and from there it is retransmitted to the concerned mobile. To be laconic, signals are transmitted via stations (signal towers).

If you are addicted to something, there must be a reason which made you to have propensity towards that particular object. You can do a brainstorm about mobile addiction and various reasons can be explained for that. The most important part is that the mobile is having such a flexibility to utilize the various applications. Lot of models are available in the market which provides unique applications considered to be special. Mobiles have crossed the stage of conveying only messages and have entered a stage which includes Games, GPRS, Internet, Music players, MMS, SMS etc.

Internet facilities also play a pivotal role since mobile phones are highly trafficked with online facilities. Instead of using modem, you can simply surf with the help of mobile and you can connect it to systems or laptops to increase feasibility of usage. GPRS facilities available in mobiles add another credit to its account which also helps to surf. MMS (Multimedia Msg Services) facilities can be used to send photos or videos to other mobiles. SMS (Short Msg Services) are used to send text msgs instantly.

Integrated webcam in mobiles helps to take photos which also make people crazy. Since there is no need to buy separate cameras, people generally prefer mobile to high pixel cameras. Another most important reason behind addiction is the conversations through calls and msgs to your beloved. According to a survey, this is considered to be the major reason for addiction. In the UK, two students of age 12 13 were sent to rehabilitation centres in order to treat their addiction to mobile. Both of them were found to be using mobile phones for 6 to 7 hours a day and they used it for conversations and msgs. It was also discovered that it was not possible for them to perform their works without the constant usage of mobiles. They were unable to do their normal tasks without it.So, mobile addiction is a dangerous psychological disorder and will create lot of problems related to it. So you should take steps to take control of it rather than the vice versa!

Author: Nimmi

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