Most people don't realize they don't have to use the service of their mobile provider for all their calls. You should use them only for the services for which their prices are the most competitive. For long distance calls, using your regular mobile carrier is probably NOT the best option. Some of you are probably already using Prepaid Phone Cards. Some Mobile phone contracts do not allow the use of alternate carriers like phonecards or dial around services, because it allows you to make cheap calls instead of wasting money on expensive roaming charges that benefit the mobile phone company.
Using callback is another option to reduce your cellphone bill drastically. You call the callback number ans immediately hang up. The call triggers an alert at the phone company, which immediately calls you back on a line from within their service. When you pick up, you now have an open line to call whomever you want - on the callback company's private phone service.
In the USA, most cell phone companies don't charge for outgoing calls, only for incoming ones. Some VoIP take this feature one step further, and allow you to configure your callback number to a number within the same network as the number you are calling. This way, even when you are calling long distance, the phone company when analyzing your call thinks you are calling from within the network, so you won't be charged for this call. Effectively, this means you can use a prepaid cellphone and never use up your minutes!
So make the switch to cheap VoIP calls and start enjoying those free minutes!
Zenofon is an easy to use VoIP telephone system that will reduce your mobile phone bill by 97%. It also has a great commission system where you get multi tier commissions - for life! - from whoever signs up from your link. No PINS, no software downloads, no calling cards. Works from any phone, with any carrier. Sign up and start saving money today.
Michalska loves speaking on her cell phone and helping people get filthy rich. Join Zenofon and make lots of money promoting cheap VoIP calls.
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